Minor UI sorting

Project 1 Features:

Feature 1: Spawn Primitive Objects with the click of the mouse

Feature 2: Displays the mouse cursor’s position on the screen

Feature 3: Dropdown UI that allows for color selection of the Spawned Object

Feature 4: Allows for the user to choose what shape to spawn

Project 2 Features:

Feature 1: Select Background

Input: DropDown

Output: Use the DropDown menu to select the pattern for the background

Process: Used multiple condition statements that are based on the user input from the dropdown UI to select different methods that will play what background pattern was selected. 

Feature 2: Change Color

Input: Button

Output: Click on the button to randomize the color of the shape. 

Process: The three buttons use the same script but call on different methods. When a method is called, 2 variables will be assigned a random number from 0-2 while one variable is given a random number from 0-2. These variables are used as the R,G,B variables so a color can be assigned by random for each object. 

Feature 3: Change Brightness of a specific background pattern

Input: Slider

Output: Move Slider to Adjust brightness of one of the background patterns. 

Process: A method is called in which a variable called the divisor is changed based on user input in the slider. This variable will then manipulate another method, causing the change in brightness when a specific background pattern is played. 

Feature 4: Display Current time

Input: Start the game

Output: Text is displayed on the lower right showing the current time. 

Process: A variable that uses DateTime.Now is attached to a text UI to display the time. 

Project 3 Features:

Feature 1: Change the speed of the obstacles. This determines the difficulty of the game. 

Input: Dropdown

Output: Use the Dropdown to select how fast the animations of the obstacles are played. 

Process: Multiple if statements are used to select a different speed for the animation, based on what input the user selected from the dropdown. 

Feature 2: Stop the obstacle animation with the use of a toggle. 

Input: Toggle

Output: Select the toggle to on to completely stop the animations of the obstacles and off to start the animation again. 

Process: Uses a boolean value that controls whether the speed of the animation should be 0 or 0.7 and it is toggled. 

Feature 3: Start an animation from the main menu for the background using a button 

Input: Button

Output: Click the UI button to start the animation in the background. 

Process: When the button is clicked, it changes the parameter value of a method so that a conditional statement can be met to change the background. 

Feature 4: Stop the background animation using a button. 

Input: Button

Output: Click the UI button to stop the animation in the background. 

Process: A method is used to change the speed of the animation to 0. 

Extra Features: Movable Cube Object

Input: WASD keys and spacebar to move in all directions and jump.

Output: User controls the cube and can jump and move in all directions. 

Process: a script attached to the player object that gives the player object the ability to move forward, backward, left, right and grants the ability to jump. 

Made withUnity